Mystical Project Complete

I admit this piece was one the most difficult tasks I have come up with in quite a long time. I tried to make the subjects pop on the page rather than be flat and unappealing. This is my first attempt to a mystical oil sketch. It created quite a challenge for me. I hope to experience it again but with more aptitude. Blending posed the biggest challenge. Try blending, watching tv, talking on the phone, and eating at the same time. Aaargh!

What I did on this last run was mix greens, yellows, siennas, sepias, and blacks to create a background. I didn't want to make the background too eye-catching. I didn't want to take a chance and distract away from the dragon. I created a stream near the base of the mountain, some rocks behind the soldier, and some gravel under their feet. With the appearance of different pinks, purples, and blues in the skyline and darkness behind the dragon, I wanted to give the look that the sun was setting and the night was approaching.

Enjoy! It was a totally different experience to create.
